I’m afraid I can’t answer your bigger question, @MicheleGalvagno , but I happened to have bookmarked some more recent posts about 0-line staves. At least one of them had “zero line” in the OP’s title rather than “0-line.” Might help explain the flubbed search?
I think I figured out what changed between D4 and D5. D4 will use the uiName in the Add Player selection box, and D5 will use the parentEntityID if it exists. Taking my 0and1Line.doricolib file linked to in the post above, I changed the uiName to add “(uiName)” after the name, just to track where Dorico is pulling the name from, so the file looks like this:
When adding a player in D4 I then get this …
… but in D5 get this with the same doricolib file:
If I…
Yeah, there was a change in how Dorico handles these between D4 and D5. I think I figured it out and detailed it in this post .
Here’s a new doricolib file for D5 that creates both a 0-Line and 1-Line instrument in the Custom category. Additionally, it creates a Clef for the 1-Line Staff that defines the line to be middle C for ease of input. The image appears wrong in the right panel, but is correct in the score. If you delete that old doricolib file and use this one instead, it should work cor…