1.1.60 - feature reqs

Hi @musicullum , just quickly from phone in rush:
I meant “UID” as Unique ID (not user ID).

Yes I know but how can user reorder if he doesn’t “tag” the channel?

It sounds great how you describe :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I think I couldn’t express myself good enough. So I was theoretically thinking about
what would I do that would le me:

  • reorder Mixer tracks freely in GUI (drag n drop like we do with songs, tracks, etc…)
  • ability to rename track any time, even if an Action is saved exclusively to it.

For the two questions I had this thought:
Under the hood ChUID us used by the code (like a row in SQL):
Ch-UniqueIDentifyerIs#nnn == IsPlacedToPos#xxx | NicknameStringIs:“RevGroup”

When user is willing to select a channel for Action command in DropdownMenu/Actions:

  • code is listing Ch-Nicknames.forEach()
  • But user-clicked Nickname is stored as Ch-UID# underthe hood, instead of storing Nickname"string".

Now - as user saved an Action for a specific channel - user can just change mind and rename “RevGroup” to “HallRevGroup” and code is updating NicknameString for that ChUID.

This case, any saved Ch specific Action still remains working as it is saved to ChUID (under the hood generated UID# that user can’t see, can’t modify, like an SQL database row).

The same for Ch reordering, just IsPlacedToPos# value needs to be updated, so user can move any channel in any order, code still keeps track by ChUID.

I’m sorry, I don’t want to be “Schlaubi Schlumpf”, just I was waiting/looking f something complex app for gigs like VSTLive in the last years and I’m total excited, the app here and is developing by week by week.

Got all that, but who applies „Nickname“, and where and when and how?
It is not a logical problem at all, but we need to define a user interface how the user can approach this.

Nickname - linked to it’s ChUID - entry is updated as user is changing it in Mixer view.
Representing via an excel-sheet while I’m creating new Group then renaming it in GUI:

When adding new Action: in “Channel selector” dropdown for Action:
it lists Nicknames forEach() all existing ChUniqueID’s, but actually Action is linked/saved to ChUID (to the ChUID behind the Nickname and not to the Nickname/ChannelUserGivenName itself).

ChUID’s side looks simple, app simply gives new and new ChUID’s for every (Mixer) channels ever created within the project file, like an SQL row insert.

The only thing I stucked, how to solve ch ordering N.o. if every song change introducing “n” qty of new track(s) :sweat_smile:

But I don’t want to waste your valuable time for this any more. Thank you for talking about!
This was just a “user-level” thought while wondering to solve booth things (update of Ch Naming and MixerViewReorder-N.o. anytime by keeping any saved Channel Action working flawless, regardless of renaming/reordering).

See, we have all of that (uids) already everywhere and use it all the time.
The question still remains: how does the user reference the channel? You don’t really want to offer an endless row of numbers (internal uid), the name is ambiguous (multiple channels can have the same name) - so how exactly in the user interface do you assign a tag, id or anything to a channel so that the internals can associate it with the object (id or whatever)?