#1 new user help suggestion

Yes, unfortunately we cannot currently show tool tips in a practical way for some of the user interface elements (the main toolbar, the lower zone toolbar, the toolbox on the right in Write mode, etc.) because we are in the middle of a transition from one user interface framework to another, and while we are in the awkward transitional stage, we cannot show tool tips outside the client area of the component where the tool tip should appear. This means tool tips can basically only display directly on top of the button to which they belong, and for vertically-orientated components, they will wrap within words in a pretty horrible way.

We know that the lack of tool tips is a serious impediment to learning the software, but we haven’t yet determined whether we’re going to try and implement our own method of doing tool tips above and beyond those that are provided by the UI framework, or whether we are going to wait until the transition to the new framework is complete.