10.15 - folder need to be TRIPLE clicked

I installed the 10.15 update and now, on the right zone, when I move through my favorite folders, they don’t open by double clicking the first time.
They made this “fancy” green underline with this “cool” glowy neon effect. Wow, now I have to click on a folder to make it look “cool”, wait for one second and then double click to open it. Wow. Just wow.

Confirmed here on win 10. If you try to open folders in the bottom are of browser a green marking appears but folder doesn open after the first double click. Annoying.

Edit: it shows content if you navigate at the upper part of the browser.

This is more than embarrassing. Now I have to go back to the last version. THANKS STEINBERG !!! Why you even touched this? It’S not even mentioned in the change log.



Bump! I’ve had this problem since v9 (OSX with Logitech mouse). Three clicks to open folders in right zone Media bay. Please fix this Steinberg.

Confirmed here also :frowning:
OSX 10.14.4
Cubase 10.0.15