10.2.10 update and DOP Autotune not solved ?

CAN-24848 Direct Offline
Processing Improved compatibility for Antares Autotune Graph Mode when applied as a Direct Offline Process.

since DOP introduction i cant use Autotune in graph mode, i thought this nuendo update with this issue resolved ,it should have now save the changed made with auto tune in graph mode, but it’s still the same, it doesn’t save the changes.
what was improved any idea ?
it didn’t work before this update ant not after the update :unamused:
(win 10, Nuendo 10.2.10 , autotune pro )

Maybe steinberg rep can chime in ? maybe it works and i should do some action for it to work ?
or just confirm if it works or not after this update ?

Usually, there is a list of fixes with an update.

the issue im having is on the fixed list,i quoted it on the original post.
but it did not resolve the problem in reality,i see no difference/improvement regarding this specific issue after this update

Oooh! Yes, I see it now.
Maybe this is correct …

Maybe steinberg rep can chime in ? maybe it works and i should do some action for it to work ?
or just confirm if it works or not after this update ?
