1xOmnisphere and 50% on the meter bar

Worked in 7.02 for the first time last night since I got it stable. I have 1 Omnisphere running with three sounds in it and one drum loop from reason 4 and my performance bar is already at 50% up? The real time bar is spiking in the red all the time? I am running at 4sec latency which is fine in 6.5 I was able to use more than 1 in 6.5 in fact I had 3 running plus reason and other vst synths plus audio and effects and my meter was only showing 45% used!!
I remember back to 6 when they had a similar problem and it was fixed in the next update. Come on Steinberg get your fingers out we need these problems fixing and fast otherwise what was the point in upgrading as am running back in 6.5 as its faster when loading and better performance at the mo