Channel Order does now load correctly from project file.
Now, when you change the Channel Order in a part and you select another part or song and return to the modified part, the Channel Order does not remain. It returns automatically to the order loaded from the project file.
… thank you, @RonBlack. For helping us here. We did a re-design here and lost that feature. But I can reproduce it and it is fixed and should be back working. Please give it another try with the next Update.
I still find some bugs in version 2.0.3 in channel ordering:
Sometimes when I load project, all channel orders are messed up. Strange is that when I reorder them and save the project, next time I load the project, channels could be ok or still messed up, I cant find a pattern.
Also about applying channel order to all, I have found that it works correctly to all songs and parts only after I have manually navigated through all songs and parts. It seems that it works only for songs that I have been “active” after loading the project… well sounds a bit confusing but hope this example helps:
Load project with some songs (like song A, B, C, D, E, F)
Navigate songs through A,B and C and find out that channel order is messed up
Reorder channels in song A, and “copy channel order”, then “apply channel order to all”
Find out that channel order is applied to songs A, B and C, but NOT to D, E and F, those are still messed up
Navigate through songs D, E and F, and do step 3 → all channels are now OK in all songs.
After saving and reloading the project, channels could still be messed up again, even if saved after reordering all songs & parts channels. Seems that channel ordering settings revert to option Project, even if saved as Part option selected.
I think this bug came up again in version 2.02, before that it was corrected some time ago and worked flawlessly long time.
@musicullum Was this ever fixed? I’m having the same problem in version 2.0.23, right-click, “Apply Channel Order to All” is not working for Subgroups and outputs.
I’m not using any MIDI instruments, so I have no need for layers.
In the preferences, I switched off the default layer, but it only removed it from the first part of each song.
All the other song parts had a default layer - this prevented the apply to all from working.
When I deleted all the layers from all the parts, it worked.