[2.1.18] Behavior of parts

A song with two parts and one or more layers.
In both parts are the same VSTs (second is copy from part one).
When playing in the first part the levels are show and I can leveling, level sends etc.
In part two it isn’t possible, the mixer is shown, yes, but I can’t leveling anything. Ok, the output points to the part one layer. Changing it to part two, what a surprise, I can’t level the VST in part one.

In part two I only want more delay on the VST than in part one.

Where’s my fault?

When switching from part to part why the VSTs from the not selected parts are playing?
Of cause all tracks are connected to MIDI In 1?

So the only way to avoid it, is to set the MIDI input in the layers to MIDI In 1, the tracks also. But when connected this way, I can’t hear the recorded VSTs.

I expected that the VSTs not within the parts are internally muted.

… Layer-Instruments of not-selected Layer should not play. Maybe it’s a bug? Can you please create a simple project for us which shows the problem? Please use the “Menu / File / Save Archive…”, select an empty folder, zip that folder and drop it here.

Thank you,

They will continue to play as long as keys are held, or the sustain or sustenuto pedals are pressed. Maybe there is something there? Do you use cc#64 or cc#66?

Here’s a project with three parts and HalionSonic with another sound for each layer/part.

Test - Parts.zip (398.7 KB)

An additional info.
When the first part is selected, only this layer/vst is played. Switching to the next part, vst of first part and part 2 is played. Select back to part 1, vst of part 2 is also playing.

hm, deleting the tracks and selecting any part, only the VSTs are playing.
But how should I record the VSTs when switching from part to part?

Thanks of MIDI IN 1 on any track, which is my masterkeyboard, all tracks are recording the same data. When rehearsing, all VSTs are playing.

I’m lost in parts,layers,tracks,recording …

You can’t.

The only way to keep recording would be to use “Start next Song and record” with Song Actions. That would record all armed tracks. But it won’t give you a continuous recording.

Also check Preferences “Tracks/Save Track Record Enable” and the same for monitor.

3 Tracks pointing to 3 Layers in 3 different Parts.
First, when starting I only hear the 1st Track, because Parts 2 and 3 have never been activated. Try “File/Preload Parts” right after loading (you can tick the “Always Preload” box for that to happen automatically whenever a project is loaded).
Second, this is a very weird construction. What would be the purpose of doing it this way? To create a stack of Instruments for the entire Song, use “Parts/Create Global Part” and create Layers there. Those are available all the time for the entire Song, and you can route your tracks there just as well.

Don’t know what you are talking about. I can level everything at any time.
What exactly happens, which (audio? MIDI?) channels (?) can you not level and why, do faders not move or what exactly happens?

Why do you use tracks at all, you know that Layers can work all by themselves? If you want to use Layers as stacked Instruments, you can also mix multiple Layers to a Group channel and apply sends and fx etc. Try to keep it simple. Set up each Part with its own Layers to your liking, and just change Parts.

The way you do it, as all tracks point to all Layers in all Parts, all changes and applying of fx etc will all be reflected whatever Part you select, that should be obvious?

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Right, try “File/Preload Parts” after loading project, see commecnt before.
Oh, and thanks for the project.

Preload parts is already done when loading the project.

What will I do? Or better conclusion.
I’ve 3 acoustic guitars, 3 vocal mics, 1 mic for percussions and several VSTs. The audiochannels are global. Stepping from part to part for other sounds in the VSTs. I only will record all of these as single tracks, that’s why I use tracks. And when I’m right, that’s not possible, global (VST) parts didn’t help here.

Change my setup to plan b. Mainstage as host for VSTs, LoopBack as “audiobridge” to VST Live. So I can record audio from the VSTs. Not a good solution but it works.

Sure you can record, switching Parts does not change anything in tracks, global Layers keep processing, what are you missing?
Also if you just want to record everything, you can also use the gloabl (MAIN) recorder (bottom right in transport area).

And how to record the VSTs per part? It’s not possible because of MIDI IN on each track, so the result is … all VSTs are playing. Preload part didn’t help.
Why not select MIDI IN in layers and select layer output in the track? Or using an audio track as a target for the VST?

We go around in circles :joy:
When all tracks feeding their VSTs and all tracks have MIDI IN 1 as their input, all VST are playing.
I only have one keyboard.
I didn’t found a video which explains exactly this configuration “Recording of 2 or more VSTs in VST Live”.
Ich bin hier mit meinem Latein am Ende.

create 2 MIDI tracks and select your Instruments in track Output, input to your keyboard, record. You don’t need Layers for that.
You can select Global (!) Layers as output instead of the instrument as well.
What is missing?

Now I’ve a more or less fine stacked sound

That’s not what I want.

I try to explain.
I will not discuss about audio channels, this works fine.
Part 1 has an Organ, Part 2 an E-Piano, Part 3 a minimosta. All VSTs are created in the parts layers, each part has it’s own layer with the desired VST. What I expect … When switching from part to part I only will hear the VST belonging to his part. And yes, I’ll record all. So I think, the layers which are not selected via part must be muted also in the record state. And as a best solution the tracks which are belonging to non selected parts has also to “muted” so no MIDI data is recorded on these tracks. Because why? When importing e.g. into Cubase, I’ve to cleanup the unwanted data.

So again. When NOT recording, playing only (without tracks) the behavior is as expected.

The track output belongs to the track. If that track uses another Parts’ Layer, that Layer needs to stay active, otherwise it would not sound.
You should automate Layer channel mutes, and/or track record/monitor.

That’s not possible, we’re playing without click. We play live with all the possibilities, restart the song, timing slower or faster. We’re performing no playback or halfplayback show. And as I understood, automation is bound to the timeline, not to our timing.

Ok - try this: set MIDI Track 1 to Virtual MIDI Out 1, Track 2 to VM Out 2 and so on.
Set Part 1 Layer to Virtual MIDI In 1, Part 2 to VM In 2 etc.

You will record the same signal on all tracks, but only the current Part Layer will sound.

Yes, it works! Thanks, this is helpful.