[] Editing values in Midi, Lyric, DMX Automation List Editor, Lists

[] Editing values in Midi, Lyric, DMX Automation List Editor, Lists
I have noticed that VSTLive 2 does not behave in accordance with Windows when editing values from lists.
If a value is to be changed in a list *****, the input dialog box opens immediately the first time the contents of the column and row are clicked.
This behavior is not usual in Windows applications. I assume not on Apple computers either.

The first click is usually used to select the object. In the case of VSTLive2, this would be to select the column and row.
Double-clicking or right-clicking with the mouse to display an “Edit” submenu should then open the Edit dialog box.

Ideally, the Edit dialog window should not open empty, but display the value of the selected column and row.

The Edit dialog box should only be empty when the “+” (plus) button is clicked. (Add new Value)

Furthermore, the open list view disappears into nowhere as soon as the edit dialog box comes to the foreground. (Messagbox.ShowDialog())

Please leave the *** list window** open until the user ends the edit process by closing the ***** list window.

*Automation List Editor…

Please revise the editing process in all lists.
Thanks in advance.

To add my twopenneth: clicking the + button doesn’t always work in the MIDI or Automation list editors.

A common pitfall is to try to add to a position outside the clip (that includes the end position of the clip!), or that the clip is not selected.

In my case, opened an existing track with one event in, + button does not work

Did you position transport within that event (clip)? Is the event selected?

Sorry been a bit busy so haven’t tried it yet. So I have to open the track AND have the transport located within it - kinda makes sense. I assume that a new event would be added at the transport location. Thanks

We added a warning for the next version.

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