As I can see also, some routings are not correct in VST Live.
In Cubase Padshop feeds the KEYS group, KEYS feeds MAIN BUS B then to Stereo Out.
In VST Live Padshop is not routed to the KEYS group, nor the FX channels are feed from the Padshop sends.
… that’s the bug for VST Live. An Instrument Track which is routed to a Group Track can not imported correctly. It’s fixed now. Please re-try with the next Pre-Release.
… that’s a bug of the Cubase DAWproject Exporter. Just create a new Cubase Project and two Group Tracks to it. Route Group01 to Group02. Export it. New Project and import it back. The routing between Groups are lost. I’ll return to this topic if it’s fixed with Cubase.
Just tried it with group as FX, which works. I like the fader colors in Cubase like FX are different to groups. Can FX channels converted into group channels?
I’ll have a look at the difference FX vs. groupchannels in Cubase. At now they have the same behaviour except the different fader colours which I like.
Select Audio Track and add a Send to the FX Channel from (3)
Do a DAWproject Export
Start VST Live (2.1.30), New Project
Import DAWproject from (5)
Fine so far. In VST Live an Audio Track and a Song Group Channel will be created. The Audio Track has a Send to the “Fx Channel”. Btw, the Send is Off. That’s a bug with Cubase 14.0.10. That Cubase bug is already fixed and will be published to 14.0.20
So, I guess you have a variant which is not correct. Can you please give me your DAWproject file? Or re-create a new Cubase project which shows the problem, create a DAWproject and give me that one?
If you do not want to drop it here, send me a PM.
… thank you for your files, @Elias1957. It’s a bug with the “Cubase 14.0.10” DAWproject Exporter. This bug is already fixed and has been pushed to “Cubase 14.0.20”. Please give it a try (again) when the next Cubase Update is available.
Hi @Spork ! I don’t know, are the automation “sub-tracks” stored in DAWproject standard-format? I mean… would it theoretically be possible to export/get my Cubase automations for the VSTLive songs tracks?