[2.1.32] Change Output of Song Group to not connected output results in "muting" source audio

@Spork Hi I´ve found a strange behavior in my 2.1.29. Therefore I graded up to 2.1.32 but it still exists :frowning:

Is this behavior volitional?

  • I’m on my Macbook and have only the integrated speakers (only Stereo 1/2)

  • In my live setup I have a 10 channel output interface

  • Actually I did some edits on my Macbook without the Interface

  • Added a song group and routed some tracks to this group

  • when the Song-Group´s output is routed to stereo, all works fine

  • when the Song-Group is routed to my output name 7/8 (which is not connected) it becomes strange

  • strange means that the source audio track in track windows contains audio but in the channel metering no level is shown and also the same in the song group

  • when I change the output of the Song-Group to Stereo 1/2 the audio is hearable and visible again

Is that a normal behavior? I think it´s a little bit confusing. Despite the not connected interface the tracks should be played back and the metering should show the audio until (incl.) the Song-Group.

Routed to 7/8 (not connected)

Routed to Stereo 1/2 (connected)
If I change the output of the Song Group back to “Stereo” it works.

Thx :slight_smile:

Just have a minute from mobile… but need to know, at VSTL if output chain is not reaching physical out, the processing is suspended

Any sound sources (like Channels) which are not connected to any output (no sends, no destination) will not be processed. If you need to, assign a “dummy” output like from the virtual outputs.