[2.1.4] Bug - normal cycle loop can be activated while flexloop selected

Hi, i noticed a small but tedious bug.

1- flexloop OFF
2- activate normal cycle loop between locators
3- forget normal cycle loop switched on, but activate flexloop (no loops active in flexloop, just normal play with flexloop activated)
4- play
5- the previous activated normal cycle loop still looping … you need to deactivate flexloop, deactivate normal loop, reactivate flexloop to stop it.

That could be a problem if you set up the songs with flexloop on you can’t see you have a normal loop active and in a gig it will start looping unexpectedly!

MORE RISKY: Cycle toggle via actions (Backspace) still activate deactivate normal cycle even in in flexloop mode !!!

Ciao, Ciro!

will check, thanks! Switching cycle/flexloops is tricky…

Sorry but no fix in todays’ version to come (2.1.5) yet, but it’s next on our list.

Fixed for the next version (today, we hope). Note that this effectively switches cycle off, so when you disable flex again, it will remain deactivated.

Cannot reproduce that. It does set the cycle markers, which we considered helpful for jumping, but does not activate or deactivate anything - if you still think it does after the update, pls. provide some step-by-step procedure, thanks!