2.1.6 audio prebuffer probl

Beginning of the WAV files are just simply “eaten”. But seems only when beginning is “trimmed”. Anyone else similar?

(Sh##ty phone video is available)

Way to repro:

  • Trim beg. of a wav
  • Go little before(!!!) clip beg
  • Hit play
    = first 500ms is “eaten”

Seems to be WIN exclusive issue only (MacOS no such a phenomeon)

Are you using “real” .wav files? I thought that .mp3 files are converted to .wav is that right?
I use .mp3 and most of them are trimmed at the beginning - I dont have any problems - but like I said, I use .mp3 files.

confirmed, checking now.

got it, fixed next version.

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Wow! You’re awesome!! :clap: