[2.1.6] BUG - Stacks (both song and global) not working

Hi, WIN 11, new project in 2.1.6, global or song stack, connect to input and output, no signal at all. press play ont ransport and you see input meter working but no output meter

Tried audio track, input to track, and track out to main , monitor on, i hear NO sound, then track out to stack, no sound, then put track out to ND leave it to ND and … previous selected stack channel now emit sounds … very strange.


Cannot reproduce. Tried:

  • new project, add Stack, set input, and sound comes out.
  • new project, create audio track, set input, activate monitor, sound comes out.

What did you do?

I’ll try to record a video… same as you did, with generic ASIO driver (I had a message that VST Live cannot load UMC ASIO driver because no interface Connected (behringer audio interfaces)… i have both generic and behringer umc drivers installed.

Ciao! Ciro