Newbie question from old Finale user. I’m working though Dorico’s First steps posting to get used to the program. Trying to finish off second ending with a hook but in the properties section there’s no “End of line” option to tick. Is there another spot in which you need to tick something to make it show in the program? Loving so much about Dorico Pro!! Thanks
“End of line” is available in Engrave Mode
This unfortunate error due to the property moving between modes and me not catching that for First Steps has now been corrected and published. Apologies for the inconvenience and confusion!
If you downloaded the PDF more than c 1 week ago, I’d recommend updating your own copy (to the updated version, dated 17th Sept 2024).
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. If you are the person that did this training, it is so good and is really helping me get me head around the program.
I tried what it says in the new version and it didn’t work for me. I found in it Engrave and selected open full length and put in a hook length, but can’t locate the CLOSE in the menu. Which menu should I be able to find it??
Again thank you,
You’ll find the setting in the lower panel when in Engrave mode. If you selected the repeat endings in Write mode, you need to deselect them and select the desired ending again to make the property appear.
Thank you. Yes I found it this morning and it worked. Might be good to place in the instructions as well.
We don’t add too many pictures of buttons with their names, because that doesn’t help users in other languages than English and we don’t produce translated pictures.
However, the First Steps text has been corrected in the latest version to reflect that you need to be in Engrave mode.