Hi, I would like to create this bar in Dorico.
It’s a 4/4 piece (normally) and here when this cadenza appears I could create a 12/4 bar, hide it and add the barlines (dashed) manually, however, that way the rest of the instruments will also have the divisions and it will not be a complete bar as shown in the photo.
How can I recreate this?
Hi @Toto23,
here the workflow
- create a local 4/4 Time Signature for the soloist (that you can then hide)
- write a 12:4q tuplet (that you can the hide)
- write your notes, and set the beamings as needed
- now you can put the local dotted barlines (holding Alt/Option) in the soloist staff
- to “hide” the fermata in the soloist, select its fermata in Engrave mode and put a very high number in the Start Offset y value in properties panel (so it will be moved way out of the page)
Dorico file example:
cadenza with dotted barlines.dorico (2.7 MB)
Ok, that’s a possibility, a bit complicated from a rhythmic point of view and not what I have in mind, but I’ll try it.
Mmh? I made it in less than 2 minutes. The rythm is exactly what you wrote.
You can hide the tuplet symbol and bracket of course.
Can you explain clearly what you had in mind?
I haven’t written anything yet, I just showed the photo.
Rhythmically what you wrote is not exactly the same as what the photo shows. In your case, that bar is going to be much faster.
But it doesn’t matter, I’m going to try it anyway.
There is another (inverse) way:
- create a global 12/4 Time signature, and hide it
- create local 12/4 TS for soloist
- write your notes in the soloist
- add the local dotted bar lines in soloist, using alt/option pressed while you apply the barline
EDIT: this next step is not necessary if you have a full bar rest
- for the other instruments, you need to create 4:12q tuplets that you can hide
Playback will be as expected
Here the Dorico file with both methods:
cadenza with dotted barlines.dorico (2.7 MB)
Ah, yes! Good one!
If the global TS is 12/4, why you need to create a local 12/4 for the soloist?
To be able to put the dotted barlines only in that staff.
Barline=Time Signature in Dorico, or in other words, the barlines are generated from TS or if you put a barline Dorico generates a TS.
Well, sorry for my ignorance, but how do you apply a local 12/4 bar?
To create a local Time Signature:
- select the first note or rest in the staff that needs the local TS
- Shift+M (for the Time Signature popover)
- write 12/4
- keep Alt (Option) pressed while you press on Enter to confirm the popover
Same procedure for the local barlines:
- select the note before the new barline
- keep Alt (Option) pressed while you for example click on the dotted barline in the right panel
Worked beautifully.