(3rd Party Issue) Program Change CCs cause Synthmaster 2 to crash!

Yesterday I indicated that there were no issues with the latest OS18 update on my iPad Air 4 and 13” iPad Air M2, but I have now just found problem with this update, sending Midi CC program change causes Synthmaster 2 to instantly crash, hopefully the kvr331 team will issue a update fix, but don’t hold your breath!

Hi @fixitmania53

For some reason I’m unable to reproduce this.
Do you have a simple project to share, that allows us taking a closer look?

& stay well

Hi Lars,
The problem with sending a small project containing the Synthmaster 2 issues is that my own custom preset bank arrangement will be different from the version you have, therefore you won’t be able to reproduce what is going on, but I will try and explain.
Before the OS18 update a preset change in Synthmaster 2 would be instant, whether it be a Midi CC message or a manually selected preset, but now, as soon as a Midi CC# is sent at the start of a bar, the majority of selected presets take a whole 4/4 @ 120bpm bar before the preset actually changes, when I add an extra preset change on the second crotchet of the same bar, this randomly caused SM2 to crash, this never happened before.
Another problem that has occurred since the OS18 update is all the presets in SM2 are now jumbled up and mixed into the wrong banks and when a preset is changed using the MIDI CC method, the preset selected is now wrong.
Here are two video links, #1 demonstrates the excessive preset change time, #2 demonstrates Synthmaster 2 crashing after receiving two CC# in the same bar.



Hi @fixitmania53

I’ve shared the topic with KV331 who replied that they have plans to fix the iOS 18 platform related issues and soon release new versions.

Please check back with KV331 for more details.


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Thank you Lars,
I submitted a bug report to KV331 as soon as I discovered the preset change issues but they have not replied to me, at least you had a response, that is good

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