3rd Party Plug-ins GUIs too small, ver Pro 10

With the update to Ver Pro 10, a number of my Instrument’s GUI’s are now smaller and more difficult to read. In one case, labels on functions in the instrument have been truncated. The Instruments’ skins are a bit sharper, but the size is too small and of a fixed size.

I don’t understand why it is not possible to adjust the size of Instrument GUIs in Windows, but is there any way to hack the size of instrument GUIs as a work around for this issue? Any other suggestions?


Is this specific for VST3 or VST2 plug-ins only? Do you use HiDPI screen? What size? What is your system scaling?

I think all the instruments with this are 64-bit VST2 Plug-Ins.

HiDPI Screen: I may need a better video card for the screen I have. I run my screen resolution at its highest setting, 1920 x 1080 (the recommended setting). One Display: AUSUS VE278

System scaling: I’m not sure what that is? Sorry.

In the new version, the previously OK Plug-ins have been reduced in size and the size can not be changed. Why can we not just drag the size of these graphics like any other windows program element? Is there any way to hack the size of these plug-ins?

Thanks, Martin.