After 5.1.60 on OSX, VST engine will not load, even after process killed, restarts, etc. Deleted contents of components folder. No change.
UPDATE: I just ended-up having to delete the whole program and reload as 5.1.20. I’d like to upgrade to 5.1.60, but I’ll need to know how to prevent this problem first. Also, how do I download 5.1.30 again so alley computers are on the same version?
Still had the installer… Didn’t realize it was 5.1.20 vs 30 though. No idea why I can’t find a version of the 5.1.30 version anywhere. Had to put Dorico in the trash before install.
I believe that if we install the software via Steinberg Download Assistant, the installer disappears after installation.
It seems that the intermediate versions are inaccessible in SDA : only previous major versions can be downloaded.
You illustrate perfectly the point I was trying to make : if something goes wrong, how can you go back to the immediately previous version, which didn’t cause any problems.
I was told that another update could resolve the bug in question, of course, but while waiting for this update, you can no longer work.
See Daniel Spreadbury’s response in the topic I’ve linked to.
Hi @isymphony , I’m sure with my help you will also get 5.1.60 going on your machine.
So I propose following:
First you keep your 5.1.20 installation so you can continue working, but in order that we can find out with 5.1.60, you need to rename it. So go to your Applications folder do a right click on the Dorico5 app and choose from the pop-up menu Rename. Give it e.g. the name
Then install 5.1.60 again and that will become the usual Dorico, but with which we can experiment and investigate.
But before doing so, I have another request. Since you say Dorico’s audio engine is always dying, please open the (do a Spotlight search). On the left side of the window click on the Crash Log tab and then see if there are crash files of the VSTAudioEngine. I suppose there are. Do a right click on one of them and on the pop-up menu choose Show in Finder. Then in Finder, you can zip them up and post here. Thank you very much
So, here’s one for you. 5.1.60 works just fine now as a second install, but ONLY if the audio engine has already been initiated in 5.1.30 and 5.1.30 is still running.
Looks like the problem was multiple instances of “VSTscanner” running during startup for both 5.1.60. and 5.1.70. Once I killed those processes and restarted the programs, each worked fine. So, it looks like a fault in the initial VST rescan for first-time use of the incremental upgrades (a guess). Thanks for all the help.