9.5 Transport cursor temporarily back to THIN LINE

While in the middle of a session today running Cubase 9.5, my cursor went back to being a very thin line back to the way I used to love it prior to Cubase 6 or 7. Cant remember. It then went back to the big bold line again all on it’s own. It did this twice to me today so the second time, I took a screen shot. Sure enough, it’s back to the bold again. Anyone else get this? Wish I can get it back and keep it the thin line.

Known issue.

Thanks for the info. Do you know if once issue is corrected, we will be going back to the thin or the bold? Thanks again

Bold is the intended look of the cursor. The old thin line is hard to see on high resolution monitors, specially with Cubase’s dark themes.

Romantique is right, bold is intended.