In cubase 14, I have a problem in some projects that I cannot solve. Identical events are simultaneously highlighted when duplicating a channel, and there is no way to separate them. They cannot be ungrouped
Can you give a step-by-step of what you did.
I can’t replicate the problem when I do this
- Select an Audio Track with an Audio Event on it
- Right+Click and select Duplicate Tracks
- Now I can independently Select each Audio Event
I am attaching screenshots step by step:
right click on the track
I choose to duplicate
I’m getting this problem. You can’t separate events in any way, and you can’t edit one without editing both. In this particular project. At the same time, I understand why you cannot reproduce this problem, since I may not have such a problem in another project. It starts appearing randomly and I don’t see the pattern.
moreover, it should be noted that the problem in the project did not appear immediately. I spent many hours doing this project, and then one day it happened.
If you just skim through a couple of threads that limitation should go away. While a bit of a hassle it truly keeps the spam away.
What happens if you select the Events, Group them and then Ungroup them?
Is it only this Project or are there others. Is this occurring only for audio from one file?