I’m using a project that has 13 songs, all using 15 audio tracks, a midi track to send automation to my guitar processor, and a video track to display video behind the band. I’m only using the “tracks” module right now. Later the lyrics and maybe someday dmx if all goes well.
From My foot switch I call up a song on my guitar processor (axe fx3 with fc-6). This fires a midi Control Change message which selects the song in vst live. The way this works in vst live currently as far as I know is song one is selected with cc value “0”. So I send cc14 value 0 to call up song 1. Song 2 would be called up with cc14 value 1, and so on. This is fine and dandy. My 13 song setlist works great! The issue is if I decide I want to make a different setlist or re-arrange the song order, now the value required to recall a specific song changes. Song 1 is always value 0. What do you guys do? If nobody has an answer, I’d like to be able to assign a midi value per song that is married to the song itself. So I can make 20 setlists all in different orders and my preset for Kickstart My Heart (cc14 value 3) will always recall Kickstart my heart. Make sense?
I then have another switch I press that controls the “Start/Stop” function in the transport of vst live, allowing me to start the song, or to stop it. This is also AWESOME!
The 2nd question relates to what you guys do between songs. If I have a video that plays for each song in my set, when the song ends there’s no video. I had the idea of having a “song” that is just a long looped video that can “play” between songs. With the workflow I have, I like to select the song, and then let the singer talk to crowd and he then cues me to press “play”. With this workflow, combined with the in-between “song” method, the background video would go black while my singer talks. What do you guys do for this?
If there isn’t a good answer for this, I might suggest that you create a way that I can load the background (in-between songs) video in a global module that could be configured such that it would loop a video, and once i’ve selected a song and I hit play, the local song video would take over the screen. this way if we had to hit “panic” mid song for getting off sync or something, the video screen would just fade back to the global video loop of our logo or whatever. As it is now, our song video would just pause. I hope this all makes sense and people want it.
A couple of times in the video I described a vst live tracks “song” as a preset. I called it that cause I call up a preset in my Axe FX 3 to trigger the song to select.
We had that on the list and will see if we can push it.
As for „in between Songs“, check out the media player Module.
Thanks for sharing, more on this later.
Next version: for “Select Song” action, if a Song has been given an “Action Value”, the Song will be selected when that value is received, otherwise the value is an index as it is now. Hope that fits your needs.
The mapped value is checked first, so it has priority.
a) that also means that when cc value 7 is received, it will also select Song 8, just as well as 15 will. That may be questionable, what do you think? Should value 7 be ignored because Song 8 says “no, I’m mapped”?
b) Song +128 ignores this, because there are only 128 values with MIDI.
It will check all Songs for their mapped value if any.
If “7” comes in, no mapped Song will be found (given only Song 8 has a mapped value of “15”).
So as none is found, it does the regular procedure “Song by index” and finds Song 8. Now the question is: should it activate Song 8, or should it say “no, Song 8 has a mapped value, so it should not be selected”? Makes sense I guess, but it means that 7 will select nothing.
Thank you for clarifying! I mean rather in the oposite case:
I give value MIDIxy15 to Song8, but my Playlist has 20 songs, Incoming xy15 is mapped to Song8, while Song16’s default index is a “received value 15”. Value 15 is coming, here MappedMatch-Song is checked first.
if NoMappedSong then picking by DefaultIndex,
if MappedMatch then picking the mapped one (while overlapping-SameValue-default-indexed-song won’t be picked),
right? Makes this sense?
Thanks for the tip! This seems to be almost perfect. I want to route the media player and the videos in my tracks to “monitor 1”. I can’t seem to figure out how to make the media player video “get out of the way” when the track video plays. Am I missing something?
This looks like it will work great! Your team rocks! Thank you!
Create a MIDI trk for GlobalMediaPlayer QuickControls (like play, stop, rtz) just tiny MIDI clips at song start and song ends. Then copy this “technical” track to all songs (where needed) and adjust the end clip (that will start MediaPlayer) to the actual song length
We are working on options for the global player, what to do when transport starts, or stops. This can make the global player stop when transport starts, and vice versa, or start together, on stop keep last frame, or black.
Can There please be an option when selecting what happens with a global video when a local video is played, it can fade out and return to zero be an option? Thanks!
I’m looking for a smooth cross fade between videos when they change like that
What’s the most efficient way to send midi out of the midi track back into vst live? I have an external box that thankfully allows me to make a virtual connection, but without that how would you do it?
While that is probably not possible, the global player could offer a fade out, but it cannot control the track video. But you can add a fade in there for an x-fade.