than you for helping. I just moved from Nuendo 11 to 13. I also just moved from a 2018 Mac mini to a m4pro silicon chip Mac mini. Things seem sluggish in 13 compared to what I remember in 11 even tho I now have 32gb of ram. a good example of this would be the time between hitting space bar and hearing playback. I remember very little and now a half a second or so. another would be the time between hitting the “e” button and seeing the channel settings window open, this is more like 1.5 seconds. any ideas for me? I have changed the buffer settings and no noticeable change.
and one more unrelated question regarding channel settings, I think I remember correctly that by selecting a channel in the arrange window it automatically opened the channel settings window for that channel (and it would open immediately) now I need to squint for the “e” button and this slows me down. btw I spend 95% of the time on the arrange screen compared to the mixer view. cheers.
I only have 10 or so hours on my new system but no crashes yet, stoked!
I’m running an M3 Max with zero wait-state on spacebar starting/stopping playback. Just to be sure, are you saying that it takes .5 seconds for the transport to start, or it takes .5 seconds for you to hear the output after it starts? If the latter then your project sample rate, in addition to tuning your interface buffers, will influence latency. But just looking at your audio device should tell you what your latency is. 500ms is super high though.
Also, your channel settings won’t automatically open when you select a track, but if you have your channel settings open, it will stay open as you move between tracks - visibility will be determined by the “always on top” setting of the window (right-click on header) or if you’ve got multiple windows/workspaces. You can also just set “Edit Channel Settings” with a Key Command (e.g. Control E) to toggle the Channel Settings window.
Barring interface/buffer/project settings, I’d suggest ensuring Activity Monitor isn’t showing something eating up RAM or CPU.
hey Thor thanks for chiming in. I set the channel setting to “always on top” (had forgotten about that) and now I have instantaneous channel setting widow pop up. I still have 3-5 hundred ms latency on spacebar. to be clear it is between spacebar and transport starting. I have my buffers set to 124 does that seem like a reasonable number for my ultra fast machine? when I change the buffer setting there is no change on the spacebar issue. I have never messed with ASIO guard settings could this be something? when I open my audio performance meter the guard is idling at about 25%. does this seem normal? should I mess with the setting? thanks again so much
Glad the channel settings is working as expected If the lag isn’t between transport-start and hearing audio, but in the transport start itself then I don’t think it’s your buffers. And 128 (I think 124 was a typo, but not sure) should be fine in general - you may want it lower for recording live at the cost of more CPU or higher when more latency doesn’t matter as much.
Have you tried enabling your Constrain Delay Compensation (wee “clock” inside parentheses at far bottom left of project window) to see if that speeds up the start? Depending on what plugins you have loaded, you may have automatic delay compensation applied to ensure those plugins are doing their job. If you see a wee increase in response, then that’s probably what it was. That said, I would NOT turn that on when you’re mixing or mastering because, you know, you want your plug-ins doing their job - I’d read up on that 'twer I you if that does indeed increase response. There’s a reason enabling constraints on delay compensation turns orange when it’s on
If none of that helps at least identify the lag, maybe someone else can think of something I’m missing
ok, constrain delay compensation, when turned on and orange solves the space bar lag issue. now I need to read up on what that is and when to use it. I do tend to load a ton of uad and uadx plugins maybe I need to be more selective. I also use proq4 a lot and there are three different “modes” here when using. zero latency, natural phase and linear phase. whatever it loads with (I think zero latency) is the only one I ever use. at one point I tried different ones but couldn’t hear the difference I think it’s time to learn what’s going on there as well. the only other third party is sooth and soothe2.