I am trying to learn Wavalab 12 Pro from scratch, and I could use a few pointers to guide me in the right direction, please.
1). How do I apply simple effects to my audio, like reverb and delay? There is a “PLUG-INS” button at the top left but I can’t even press it, because it’s greyed out.
2). Speaking of plugins- how do plugins work exactly in Wavelab? Are they already built in inside of Wavelab or does Wavelab use plugins from a DAW like Cubase? I have Cubase 13 Pro, by the way.
3). On my Desktop I have a shortcut to a folder, where my audio is. But when I try and open that folder in Wavelab, it just says c:/AUDIO.lnk in the directory field at the top of the Open window and shows no content of the folder. Is there a fix or a workaround for that?
4). Someone told me that I can use markers inside of Wavelab and even give them names, and then later when I save that file in Wavelab, I should be able to see those same markers with the names on them, when I import the audio in Cubase. I tried that, except that when I import the audio in Cubase, I see no markers, even when I use Wavelab as ARA extension to view the audio. What am I doing wrong?
5). And finally, can someone please give me a few useful workflow tips and tricks. Or at least some of the most useful (or used) shortcuts for Wavelab in regular workflow? I tried googling for that but haven’t had much luck.
I know there is a manual, and I do plan on looking up specific features. But right now I’m struggling to figure out which of these features I will be using the most. And I do plan on watching some YouTube tutorials, as well. But in the meantime a few helpful tips would be really appreciated to get me started.