Well, I made the switch to Cubase 14 Pro after not liking the direction Studio One is heading. I have a few questions that I can’t figure out. Firstly, I can’t figure out how the ghost notes work. I see them just fine, but when I go to draw a note over one from another track/ instrument it affects the note that I’m trying to draw over. When googling it, it simply said to use the draw tool which is what I did. What am I missing? Second question to a problem, after deleting a part I didn’t like, and it happened to be a trombone from HOOPUS, it deleted just fine, and then I replaced it with what I did want. But the same old part still played, but two bars later after deleting it. The thing is there’s nothing there. There are no notes in the piano roll or anything visible in the main window. But yet the sound is still there. What am I missing here also?
Hi - welcome to Cubase.! Sorry, am not skilled enough to answer you directly from what’s given; others here may offer better.
Anyway, let me start with - are you trying this in the new Score Editor, or the Key Editor just as MIDI notes.?
Sometimes its better making separate threads for each ‘issue’ you want help with - things can get messy in one big topic, quite quick…
What I would suggest will help, is to attach the Cubase project file (or a cut-down ‘dummy’ version, that shows the concerns you have). Or, make a screen recording, upload the file on a file hosting web-site and post a link here… Or, attach some screen shots…?
Either way, you should definitely also list out a step-by-step recipe of what you are doing, to get where you are…
Good luck.!
Hello, I figured out what my problem was with the sound coming from nowhere. It had something to do with the chord track. Still haven’t figured out the ghost notes though.
A screenshot might help us to understand better what the ghost notes are, that you refer to.
Are the faint outlines of the notes of other tracks still called “ghost notes” in Cubase?
Thanks for the screenshot. I don’t know what the name for these note events is but I don’t think it is ghost notes.
So, there is a setting for this:
Click on the icon in the toolbar that, in my screenshot, is above the top left corner of the pop up dialog. Your current setting seems to be “All parts”.
Heya, where is this window from the screen shot you posted? Cheers!
Hi there,
I think your issue maybe with how the multitrack editor works. This is a new development in Cubase, this video might be helpful:
Lightning Fast Multipart Editing | New Features in Cubase 13
I hope this helps
Key Editor.
OK , thanks
I found that window and it worked! As long as I have the draw tool selected. Not sure what Cubase calls them, but my first DAW FL Studio called them ghost notes.