A full sized grace note as "cut off note"

The png shows a composer’s notation for extending a note’s duration just barely over - in this image the downbeat of an empty bar. Graphically, I can think of two ways of doing it:
input a a grace note ahead of the point it overlaps, and then scale it in reverse to full size. This will playback correctly, and any issues with FS note spacing can be handled with a click or two. But, I can’t find a way to tie to previous input.
I can also input a correctly tied real “1/8 note”, add a slash mark glyph, apply a tuplet to all following rests (changing visibility properties) and then manually shifting them to the correct place. This is straightforward but time consuming, and does not playback right.
I have created a playing technique that puts in the slash glyph (a few more clicks while engraving to correctly offset), but I cannot find how to get a custom duration adjustment playback technique to essentially copy the grace note default. Do I really have to make adjustments to each occurrence manually in key editor?
Thanks for any ideas, and pointing me in the right direction if I’m missing something!!

I don’t think you can tie into a grace note, but a slur would work.
You can just enter the grace note at the start of the bar and, as you say, resize to normal.

I certainly take your point, but I am wondering if that doesn’t require a fair number of inconsistent offset changes in each occurrence to endpoint and curvature placement. It also requires curve thickness to be the same for slurs and ties, right? But, it is worth exploring to see where it stands in workflow.

Hi @RVSLee, for the graphical aspect, the good old Laissez vibrer tie is a good option:

Hi Christian…
The reason we think of it this as a “cut off” note is that it is essentially the same as a defining breath mark, but is placed just ‘on’ the indicated beat rather than just before it.

I was so tired, I didn’t even look at your video and so didn’t understand. But you did, so thank you!!

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