a very basic question about the relationship between Dynamics Lane and CC data

While I can edit the existing points, there is no way I can move the one I want to move down to ppp (or 0). It continues to snap at pp. Is there a reason for this limitation?



This is just a limitation of the messa di voce dynamic: the control points for the envelope currently only let you control the peak amplitude and then it returns to the original level. If you want more control I suggest that you use the pencil tool to draw in what you need.

Paul, as in the previous example, drawing seems to be subject to the same limitation.

I can bypass this problem by drawing in the CC1 lane, but I was curious to see if there was a way to keep everything compact in the Dynamics lane.


I’ve just tried this myself and it appears to work as expected in this case - are you doing something different?

If I enter a point with the pencil, I can only move this point in positions that seem to be dictated by Dorico.


I guess this is necessary, to avoid messing the original data.

I understand that all fine editing to dynamics should be carried on in CC lane, where the actual playback data are.
