a way to alternate colors on markers ?


is there a function to select markers (or events) and alternate 2 colors so they are mor visible on the timeline ?
importing EDL sometime creates alternate colors… sometime not.
or is there a way to select even/eneven ID of markers and change color for those ?
thx for ideas.

The alternating colours on edl import is when Nuendo detects scenes. So every others scene gets the alternate colour.

You may be able to figure out a PLE to do that. But I haven’t tried to so I can’t say How to do exactly that.

Have you already tried selecting multiple (non-consecutive) markers and then using the color selector to change the colors? In this picture I selected cycle markers 1 and 3 (on Mac it’s “command+click”), and then selected yellow, and it colored both of them.

solution is :
in the Process Project Logical Editor (PPLE ) set :

  • Media type | is equal | Markers (And)
  • Property | Property is set | event is selected.

  • Set color | set to fixed value | “select your color”

set this Macro to a key command :

  • Navigate right
  • Process Project Logical Editor - “select your PPLE here”
  • Nacigate right

set all your markers to one color and press/hold the key command to add a fixed color every other 2 markers.