A2 frequency

I really don’t need the number of “a2” designations that Dorico is giving me. (See Screenshot). It appears that Dorico is giving me new “a2’s” whenever the score enters a new system and after any rest that the two parts share in common. I am guessing there is not a way to limit the redundant “a2” designations to only when there is a change.
Thanks if you know the answer to this. I can live with the redundant a2 but I am constantly trying to make the scores less “busy” and really don’t need a2 when there is actually no change in that status.

Yearh, indeed. As it currently stands, Dorico evaluates each “phrase” (with a phrase being “everything between two rests”), and if the phrase is identical, it will render “a2”.

Just like you, I hope that there will be some options coming in the future regarding these labels.

Interestingly, I don’t get an additional ‘a2’ for this phrase. So it may be possible to configure things to be slightly less aggressive.

However, even if you can’t, you can select and Hide the a2 mark in Engrave mode.

I have found that the redundant a2s occur only when I use manual condensing. If Dorico itself condenses to one voice, there’s usually only 1 a2 per system.

Yes, sometimes (and I really don’t know more) it does not show up - and I don’t have the slightest idea when it will and when it will not show.

Sometimes you have tuba 1 and tuba 2 and every second tone will have an “a2”, and then again it seems to me more relaxed. No idea, really…

Yes. The problem is that I must use manual condensing often and that manifests the problem. I hope a future fix for that issue can be found.

Can you tell me how to hide the a2’s in Engrave mode. I highlighted the redundant a2’s and tried “Delete” but that didn’t work.

You can’t delete anything in Engrave mode! Only change its appearance.

The Hide switch is in the Properties panel.

You’ll see a signpost where the label was:

Got it. I will try that right now.
Thanks so much.

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Well shucks. That worked great. Now all I have to do is go through the 25-30 pieces I have already converted from Finally to Dorico and hide all those unneeded a2’s. I should have asked this question weeks ago.
Thanks so much for the work-around.