A2 marking not appearing with condensing?

Caprice (Ver 2).dorico (985.8 KB)
Starting at measure 15 I would like the flutes to be shown as “a2”, but it isn’t working, even after tinkering with notation options for five minutes. Any ideas?
For context, I would like the voicing to look similar to the voicing in the violins at the same moment (of course, without the text).

Edit: In addition, trombone dynamics in measure 43 are not amalgamating properly. I am definitely new to how condensing works in Dorico :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

The parts diverge on the 2nd half of beat 2 in bar 21. So, you need a condensing change there to separate the phrases.

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With Tbn 1, the dynamics are not linked with the other Instruments. Linking them should fix the problem.