About the Steinberg Hardware category

Great sounding audio interfaces and intuitive controllers.

What is this category for?

In this category, you are welcome to discuss and ask questions about all Steinberg hardware products. Users of any Steinberg audio interface or controller – UR audio interfaces, UR-C audio interfaces, UR-RT audio interfaces, AXR audio interfaces, CI audio interfaces, MR audio interfaces, CC121 controller and CMC controllers – are welcome here.

Who is the moderator?
This category is not actively moderated by Steinberg, but it is constantly monitored by members of the hardware team. There are several well-experienced users who support Steinberg as external moderators on this forum as well.

How to make use of the tags?
Please make use of the provided tags when creating a new post. There are tags for different product families – cmc-series, ci-series, etc. – as well as tags for different topics – feature-request, issue, pre-sales and scoring.

What can I do with my β€œVotes”?
The new forum is offering more options to engage with the forum members and the voting option is one them. Over the next weeks we will work on ideas and processes to make the most out of the new features.

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