Accents above and below notes for drumset

Hi Team, part one is, I’m having trouble putting the accent underneath the note head of the snare drum. I’ve got three of the four notes that I want done but the third one for some reason I just can’t get it happening.

Part two is, I’d also like to add accents above the high hat on top so that each hand has independent accents; the hi hat above the note and the snare drum below the note.

Here is a loom video to show you what I’m experiencing:

Thank you

UPDATE: I got the remaining accent below the note and had to go into Engrave mode to do it (I was trying in write mode).

Question still remains how I can add an accent above the hi hat while also having the accent below the snare?

I think the snare and hi-hat need to be in different voices. You could also use a playing technique with an accent for the hi-hat.


Snare drum downstem voice.

with accents on snare and playing technique on hi-hat

Thanks for the response. It’s difficult as the snare and bass drum notes all relate around the hi hat. All the ghost notes really need to be in the same voice as the hi hat or it looks quite messy and makes less sense for the performer.

Do you know if I can use an accent as a graphic and place them manually?

I showed you in the second example.
Here’s a file. You don’t need a graphic. A glyph in the playing techniques.


drums.dorico (496.8 KB)

Thank you for sending that file through. This is what I’m after. I went into my file to create the new playing technique. How did you get the image of the accent in there? I’m trying :slight_smile:

Open my file, open the Playing Technique editor, select the accent, click the star icon (save as default) Now it should be available in your other documents.
Or create a new Playing Technique, name it, Select Type Glyph. Click the pencil icon. Click the trash can to delete what’s currently there. Find the accent under articulations to the right and add it.


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Perfect! I clicked the star and it’s in! Thanks heaps for all your time with that. Greatly appreciated!

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Good to hear.
