Access Virus TI - no MIDI in Cubase AI13

Hey guys, I am connected directly via USB cable and I am getting Virus sound through Cubase but no MIDI. Original Access Virus plugin is installed and working etc. but absolutely no MIDI connection. Any clues?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Did you install the driver? Can you see the MIDI driver on the system level?

Are you on Mac or Windows?

OK I think I have fixed the issue. I am on Windows 10. Virus TI Software Suite was installed. Virus was recognized by Windows and by Virus Control Software and I was able to get audio in Cubase but not MIDI.
In the Device Manager it would show (under Sound, video etc) Virus TI Audio but not the Virus TI MIDI Driver. I just reinstalled (for the 3rd time) the VCS and kept my Virus plugged and On all the time and this time it asked me to reboot the system and holy smokes - MIDI works now.

Now - is it possible to use my Virus Ti e.g. in a project in Cubase where in one track the Virus plugin is used and in another track e.g. Halion Sonic is used but I can still use Virus keyboard to play using Halion Sonic sounds?


Yes. Set the Local Control to Off on the Virus.