Is it possible globally to show accidentals on notes tied over a barline? It should, I think, be a modernist option. Not just over systems but from any bar to the beginning of the next bar.
While I don’t necessarily agree this should be an option, you can select the note and activate the Accidental > Show property.
Now, that a “filter tied-to notes” and a “filter notes by position in bar” should exist, we certainly agree!
What am I doing wrong? It only shows the accidental when the note starts (in the previous bar).
I’ve found it quite common in modern scores and certainly find it helpful. After all, if it’s an option, you don’t have to use it.
As a workaround you could try just using two separate notes, adding a slur, and adjusting the slur’s position to look like a tie. Or even an l.v. tie might help.
I made the same request in my first post on this forum over three years ago:
You can click on the tied-to notehead in Engrave mode and set the Accidental property to Show.
I’ll add to this a proviso/Dorico option that it would be good if this were handled at the Layout level rather than the entire Project level. That way, the scores of highly chromatic music — where the conductor (or players if reading from score) would benefit from the reiterated accidentals to know “what’s happening” vertically — could show accidentals restated, but individual parts would not have to be cluttered with the redundancy.
Also, there are those (admittedly rare) composers who reiterate(d) every accidental within a tie chain:
Unless I’ve missed something, this has to be done manually in Engrave Mode, yes?
Cue the band of strident nay-sayers, I know, but — if, for example, C. F. Peters ever wanted to use Dorico to engrave the music of Milton Babbitt…
Agreed! Thanks for responses.
Also, welcome to the forum, @whatnot!