I’ve been using Steinberg Licencing for a fair while, and generally without issue. But tonight… things are not working for me.
Just upgraded to Halion 7, so needed to activate this licence. It wasn’t present in Activation manager on my main DAW (I’d already activated it on my macbook), and Activation Manager wouldn’t update, so I thought I’d sign out and back in again as that has fixed problems in the past.
I can’t sign back in. Activation Manager loads (slowly), and gives me the ‘sign in’ dialogue. Whenever I click it, I get this:
I have an active internet connection on this machine. The macbook is on the same network / connection, and doesn’t have a problem signing in.
Earlier in the evening, I couldn’t get elicenser to update on the main DAW either, so I ended up doing the licence upgrade on the macbook. These two issues may be related.
The curl command I’ve seen elsewhere:
curl https://entitlements.steinberg.net/.well-known/jwks.json
Works in terminal and gives what appears to be a valid response:
StatusDescription :
Content : {"keys": [{
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "PPrvRDb4JuJxtCgGKyf6tA==",
"n": "6Ny2oVu-DJ3PA5YUUpTABcwMKzH8kaLVQVrzapZpdFz3oLsW1QESi1YlTS8ITic-IdxUrj861dMWPWDX9vFI4DuDw4b
RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 776
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 21:14:21 GMT
Set-Cookie: AWSALB=OzpBm00ALU40pcPw+3sMBOkp959j5yG7Yr3BRZ...
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I’ve tried uninstalling Activation Manager, restarting, etc. I now have a main DAW that I can’t use Cubase on, which is less than ideal to say the least.