
If I use Dorico on PC and want to use it on a laptop, do I need to deactivate on PC and then activate on the laptop to use it
If I only activate Dorico on the aptop and use it, will it not save properly on the tablet?

Is there a way for the other device to automatically deactivate when I activate it on one device?

No, the iPad purchase is completely separate from the ‘desktop’ licence.

I’ve made the correction.

You can have three activated licences on the desktop. You’ll need to manage those manually in Steinberg Activation Manager.

The iPad is completely separate.

I’m not sure what the device limit is for iPad apps running on the same AppleID. Possibly 5?

Does the Steinberg Activation Manager display all registered PCs and laptops, or does it show only one for each machine?

From the SAM app, you can access your account on a webpage, which shows all your activations.

But normally, the SAM only shows you the licences on the computer that you’re using.

Where can I get the SAM app?
Why can’t I activate and deactivate registered devices in one place?

SAM = Steinberg Activation Manager.
It was installed on your machine as part of the Dorico installation process.


You can: from your account on the MySteinberg website.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to control the other from one PC.

No you can not control one PC from the other. There is no shared monitoring between the machines.

Why do you want to do this? There is no need to deactivate and activate PCs again and again, you can have up to three computer active at the same time.

The MySteinberg website knows the computers on which Dorico has been activated, and you can deactivate those computers from there – from any computer or browser. But since MySteinberg doesn’t know anything about other computers you may own, it has no way to let you add a new activation.

If I register 3 computers with one code, can I use it without pressing the deactivate button if I don’t use it at the same time?
What is the difference between activation and deactivation?

If you added a fourth machine, you would have to deactivate one of the other three before you could activate the new one.

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If I don’t use it on 3 PCs at the same time, I don’t need to press disable activation?

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No, no, of course no. Read again the answers by members above.