Acustica products..?

Apologies in advance, as this isn’t exactly a Cubase question, but I don’t know who else to ask… So, I’m asking here…
We have an unusual track for an EP we’re currently working on that has some BIG drums (more of a bongo or tom than a kick) and the levels kind of jump in an expansive, headroom gobbling, way that needs to be tamed without losing the punch.
Having said that, I decided to look for a clipper (which I don’t typically use). After some research, I decided to see what it cost for Ash, by Acoustica; since it was on sale, for 79 Euros (I’m in the US, so about 86 bucks after exchange rate) I decided to go for it.
Anyway… the reason for my question/post is that, after the purchase, I went to download the plugin and did the usual click on the ‘My Products’ type link. There are over 15 plugins available. I installed a couple of them thinking ‘these have to be trials’ (even though it by no means covers their entire catalog), but they appear to be fully unlocked and ready to use. Is this right? Did I really just buy 1 plugin and get a whole suite for… free… or 86 bucks (depending on how you look at it)??
If any other Acoustica users could fill me in, I’d be most grateful. This is either the best deal ever or I’m a chode.
I’ve never used their products. I’m honestly confused… this doesn’t seem real. They’re not bragging about it or indicating in any way that they did me a favor. Without trying them yet, it seems too good to be true.
stroking chin

Hey, why don’t you contact them?

I’d rather ask people with experience using their kit.

In my experience using support for software, the response could range from 24 hrs to 3 weeks to never.

In my experience using the Cubase section of the Steinberg forum, the helpful response could range from 3 minutes to 12 hours.

According to Acoustica installation guide there is an icon that indicates the type (purchased, free, trial).
Purchased commercial products will show an install icon, while the trial product will show a more icon.

Step-by-step guide to install a purchased, free, or trial product:

  1. Create a user account on the website if you do not have one yet.
  2. Download and install Aquarius Desktop application (ADA).
  3. Log-in to Aquarius Desktop application (ADA) using your email and password.
  4. Go to the search section, and search for the product you want to install.
  5. Click on the install or more icon. Purchased commercial products will show an install icon, while the trial product will show a more icon.
  6. Pull down the menu and choose the format to install.
  7. Click on the install icon.
  8. After Aquarius Desktop application (ADA) completes the installation. Close Aquarius Desktop application (ADA).
  9. Lunch your audio or video application (DAW or NLE).


Yeah, that’s exactly how it shows up. It’s just the amount of them that surprises me. And, they seem like nice plugins.

The Ash clipper is pricey. Acoustica, Schwab, iZotope, DECAP, [insert clipper vendor] never came across to me as having such a seemingly generous heart. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’m on my phone at the moment. It’s not possible to get a bigger photo of the webpage. This is how they appear

Here’s more…

The ‘MORE’ button leads to an in depth description of each, but says little about licensing . A handful say Free, such as the first pic I posted, but the rest say nothing. .

The trial and free products will show a “more” icon, so you will enjoy a 30-day trial plugin or a free for life.
If it says “free” on description then it is free. Acoustica offers 19 plugins for free. All the ones showing in your screenshots are indeed free.
More here

Here’s a pic from their download manager (right) with all the plugins that were installed (left)

*I used Ableton Live to show them all as Cubase categorizes them. I only bought/wanted 1 clipper :joy:

heya, some companies are giving away freebies. That’s what you are seeing here. I just updated to Kontakt 8 and they gave me a ton of free stuff coming with the Kontakt player.

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Hopefully they’re good.
So far, Ash is everything I hoped it would be. Time will tell with the rest…

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Hey, sounds good, will check them out.