Add Configurations to MixConsole From Project Window

I like having the MixConsole window well organized and as uncluttered as possible when it comes time to mix a song. Using the Configurations menu in the MixConsole window allows you to do this according to multiple needs; access to all the tracks, subs and groups therefore becomes easy and pleasant.

However, I would like there to be a functionality for creating configurations (MixConsole) from the Project window.

For example, I have a folder containing the tracks used for the drums. Instead of opening the MixConsole window and creating a configuration for this track folder, wouldn’t it be easier to have a selection in the track context menu allowing us to create a configuration from that folder, from a group of tracks or various track selections? Finally, create configurations based on various groupings done from the project window.

I believe that would be a very useful feature. What do you think?