Add dedication and subtitle


I am new to Dorico and am finding it problematic to add a dedication above the title and a subtitle below. The main issue is the size and position of the text frames. When I follow the instructions in the online manual (I cannot find any video on this topic yet), located at Notation reference>Front matter>Adding dedications in master pages, I add the dedication and subtitle but the text frame is too small to show all three lines (dedication, then title, then subtitle where there was just one line previously, the title). Further, the frame doesn’t automatically adjust to be larger and push the lyricist and composer frames down. Is there an easier way to do this than I’m imagining, which is manually dragging all the frames below it down?

I just do the latter, I adjust the size of the frames to make it all fit and it’s worked fine for me. In your case I would make the frame with the title larger and just add the subtitle and dedication underneath it all in the same frame.

If you’re doing this regularly, set it up in one project and then save that project somewhere safe to use as a starting point for all future projects. Ideally, make the changes to the First Master Page or to the Default Flow Header, rather than overriding the individual page.

For what it’s worth, there is a whole playlist of videos taking you through the various page layout tools in Engrave mode, which you can find here.

Thank you all for the replies! I’ll check out the video resource and play around with the methods you all suggested.