Add echo effect only at the end


I want to add an echo effect to the end of a WAV file, but not to the whole audio file, to give the echo over the silence after the last sound, and each echo to be on time with the rythm ( black note) with diminishing volume.
It’s very common effect, I hope I could express myself.


Do you want to write the echo effect into the wave file itself or just to have done inside a Cubase project as part of a song?

Easiest way to do this is setup a group or fx track and add your delay to it.

From your original track, setup a send, probably want to do post fader, and set the send to go to the new track you added.

From here you can do 1 of 3 things:

a) just bounce the new delay track you added and then chop off the beginning that you don’t want. You will want the wet/dry at 100% wet.
b) automate the send level in the send you just added to go from nothing to where you think it sounds good. You will want the wet/dry to be 100% wet most likely but you can play with that.
c) leave the send up and automate feedback on the delay plugin, again you will most likely want the wet dry at 100% wet.

Or 4 - automate the FX Channel’s Mute and/or Level controls.

Do I hear a 5…?

Or 5:
Copy your original track and cut out everything except the parts you want to have a delay on (I assume you are talking about the last syllables of a vocal phrase or something like that). Put your delay on an insert and adjust to taste or use a send. Some people prefer this method because it gives you a good visual feedback over your delay throws and you can tweak the hell out of it without accidently messing up the original track.

Edit: You might want to mute these delay trigger signals in the original track.

Do I hear a 6…?

All the above methods work just fine. But there’s another very common method that you should know of which is a ducked delay. Here, the delay is controlled via a compressor and sidechaining.

I restrain myself from overloading this thread with any further methods now. Probably.

Thanks everyone! You got it.

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