Add functionality to Zones and/or Foldertracks


I think it would be great to be able to create our own Zones (mixer) and be able to design our own mixer((view(s)) that way.

:Requist for additional functionality

Enable us to Create/Activate/Deactivate/Rename/Delete Zones.
Enable us to drag Zones up/down in a list to be able to manipulate the order of Zone appearance.
Select/deselect track per Zone (Perhaps even Multiple Membership Zones per track? - ZoneMembership matrix?)

Enable us to Assign User Command button(s) to select Zones that will be displayed on the DAW Remote Control could also be a great way to switch track appearances on the DAW RCD.


Then when Enable/disable Zones in Cubase, the tracks will be presented in that order, based on Membership-Zones, and are presented in the same order to a DAW Remote Control Device. I think that could contribute to the flexibility and speed while creating our own workflow.


An alternative could be to add another functionality to Folder Tracks.

If we could rightclick on a Foldertrack to enable a new function something like “Display as Mixerview”, and the tracks in that Folder could be displayed in the mixer in order of appearance in that Folder, and we could create some sort of Symbolic Link Track in the Folders to tracks elsewhere in the project. Would be nice…

Hope this contribution leads to something nice :wink: .

Best regards,