Add – Tempo Condition to Base and Add-on Switches in the Expression Maps

This is a better worded start to a previous thread that I started at Automatic tempo-sensitive articulation switching - #8 by flach.

I feel that I did not word that thread or title it very well and for that I apologize.

It would be nice to have a tempo Condition in the Expression Map Conditions section. In my work flow I have run into the issue that certain EastWest patches are recorded at a specific tempo and EastWest recommends using them at +/-10 Bpm of that sample. The only condition available for keyswitches is the Note Length condition which does not solve my problem.

For example, In EastWest Hollywood Strings Opus I have the 1st Violins Repetition TS patch. In the description window in Opus, it wants the tempo of your score to be within +/-10 Bpm of the samples recorded at 120 Bpm for best audio fidelity. Otherwise in the case of a slower tempo I can just use the standard Tremolo patch instead of this more realistic sounding patch.

If there was the option for a tempo condition for the keyswitch I would be able to set a condition for the Repetition TS patch keyswitch at tempos >= 120 Bpm and then the Tremolo patch keyswitch to be used at tempos <120 Bpm. This would speed up my current workflow greatly as it would allow me to more accurately export the midi allowing me to focus on fine tuning in my DAW instead of messing with keyswitches.

In the previous thread @mducharme suggested a work around due to the possibility of performance issues. While I did mark that as a solution to that thread; after thinking on it I do not feel that that truly is a solution to the problem that this simple feature would solve. While I do acknowledge that it could be a performance bottle neck; it is an optional feature that if it caused any performance issues that the suggest work around maybe an option. For me in my situation a work around would cause more of a time loss then waiting on my system to catch up to itself.

I look forward to some discussion on this feature as well as if anyone has had any performance issues when using the current Note Length condition. I feel that with Dorico as it currently is, modern multi-threaded programming languages, and modern hardware; I do not feel that a simple conditional switch really would cause a performance bottle neck in most cases.