Adding empty space between two systems?

Hey! New to Dorico here.

I do engraving for musical theatre, and occasionally I need to add significant space between two systems for dialogue breaks, etc. When I go to Engrave Mode and use the Staff Spacing tool, I’m able to reposition a single staff, but the staves afterwards don’t move down at all causing staff collisions:

I’ve scoured the forum, but any search for “Staff Spacing” just turns up results telling you about the handles on the left hand side, which aren’t doing what I need them to do.

There is a system spacing handle:

If that’s not what you need, I wonder if another approach might be to resize the vertical size of the music frame with the system(s) you need to be followed by a gap, then add another music frame that “flows in” (can’t remember the exact term) from the previous one.

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Editing the frames works well I think! Thank you so much for responding so quickly :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

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