Adding lyric to a rest

How do I add a lyric to a rest?

You can’t do that directly, I’m afraid. I’m curious under what circumstances you need to add lyrics to a rest? (Please excuse the failure of imagination on my part: I consider myself a pretty experienced choral singer who has sung a wide range of music but I can’t off the top of my head think of a situation in which I’ve been asked to sing something and rest at the same time!)

The way to do it for now would be to add a note temporarily, add the lyric, then delete the note, which will leave the lyric behind.

You can’t do that directly, I’m afraid. I’m curious under what circumstances you need to add lyrics to a rest?
I can’t off the top of my head think of a situation in which I’ve been asked to sing something and rest at the same time!

These are occasions when ‘rest’ has been teased to mean something else.
I use this in two ways. Firstly, it’s an elegant way of moving between unpitched speech and singing when they are interspersed. Secondly it is useful for choral training material to write a final consonant or diphthong on a following rest.

The way to do it for now would be to add a note temporarily, add the lyric, then delete the note, which will leave the lyric behind.

This works perfectly! I should have thought of it…
Is there anything that would cause that lyric to disappear?


Certainly not that I can think of! That lyric should be secure unless you explicitly delete it.