I have looked high & low, and I cannot find the answer to what I thought were simple questions. I want to change the width of bars in a simple hymn, 16 bars plus pickup bar. It would be great to have 3 equal length systems on the page. There are also places where the lyrics jam together horizontally despite my efforts to adjust their properties. I’m attaching this simple project. I’m not lazy - I did search for a solid half hour for an answer, but I didn’t find one, so I’m putting up a white flag and asking for help.
Amazing Grace.dorico (763.8 KB)
Hi @IAmAPianist, just change the Default space for crotchet/quarter note to 4 3/8 spaces:
Also I suggest you to change the instrument into Choir (reduction) to have separate barlines for the staves, so there are no collision with lyrics:
(Also: bar 5-6 lyric first line was not right, I think. And I centred some syllables)
Amazing Grace-corrected.dorico (795.8 KB)
Thank you, Christian. I really appreciate your help! I had fiddled some with 1/4 note spacing to adjust the bar width, but for whatever reason, couldn’t get it right. Now when I create a simple hymn, or something for the choir I accompany regularly, I know not to do a piano score, but Voice/Choir (Reduction).
You may also use a copy of your present project as a template to start your new projects.