adjust single measure dimensions in Dorico Pro5? for example if measure have text what overlaps next measure stuff what is bad. some cases ths happens and this only solution what i know.
How I would love to be able to specify absolute bar length. Unfortunately due to the intrinsic nature and design of music layout engines this is generally not supported, sadly.
So, you may possibly use a Note Spacing change to adjust width of spacing. But if your problem is text then you will have to manually put returns in long lines as Dorico does not yet do word wrap, although a frequently requested thing.
Can you post an image of the offending bar?
One workaround which I use to widen a bar is to input some notes in another voice and hide them. The following example pictures illustrate the steps I take to do this.
Start with this:
Enter some notes in another voice:
Hide their stems and noteheads:
(In Engrave mode)
Suppress playback:
End result:
(The lightly-shaded noteheads do not print)
do put later case values back to defaults (project based default i mean) after this exact bar? this sounds exactly perfect solution if i found way adjust them keeping ratios correct. these numbers like 4 3/4 is hard multiple with numbers if want same amount % more for all. i found popup values what what allows think values nicer way even still not % i think but helps. what is best way do size change way ratios are keeped? like all goes 33% larger for example. 33% is only example value.
Yes. The second note spacing change is to reset.
I have a similar question about adjusting measure width at the end of a system where I have only a portion of a bar. I want to make this last bar more narrow but I can’t seem to move things like I can when there is a barline at the end of the measure.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Dividing measures
Slice 1.pdf (17.6 KB)
is a common practice in hymnals.
Hi Bryce – We had this question a couple weeks ago, and I replied there.