ADR Track selection

Hi there,

I remember that in N6 one could in the ADR Marker window select the tracks to be recorded on in an odd and even kind with a certain key selection. That would assign all odd IDs to an odd track and all even IDs to an even track, which is called in ADR A-B recording. I am missing that in 6.5.30.


Look into the “Target Track” attribute.


Hello Fredo,

I think you missunderstood me. When I have created an ADR Cycle Markerlist by tagging all the cycle markers, one can select a track to record onto. I met a Steinberg Product specialist who showed that it is possible to select odd and even IDs by a single key conmmand and than select for all these IDs a track to record on, i.e. all odd IDs on track 1 and all even IDs on track 2. That is a very usefull function when you do a lot of ADR( as I have to do) and dont have to worry about the track arming.


Selecting all odd or all even ID’s witha single key command!?
Never heard of. I’m curious now.


Hi Carsten,
select one marker in the marker window. Hold down Alt+Shift and select another marker
having an “interval/distance” to the previously selected one, for e.g. select not the next
but the “second” one. This selects every second marker in the list. It works for any “inter-
val”. (then type in target track 3, do the same for the other markers and define target
track 4 and you´ll have an automatic A-B recording ) I hope that helps :wink: best wishes, Tino

Very cool trick Tino!


Thanks very much.