Advance without space bar, and persistent duration selection

Two questions here:

  1. When inputting chords it becomes tiresome to have to hit the space bar after every chord to move forward. Any way I can set this to move on after I input a chord.

  2. I’m doing an academic paper where I’ll be using nothing but certain durations for long stretches. Is there anyway I can freeze it at the duration so I don’t have to select it every time, or do I just need to change the overall preference?


Hello, you can input one of your durations and then hit R repeatedly to repeat the first duration.


Use duration before pitch!

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There are a couple of ways to move forward after chord symbol input:

Keep an eye on the section about inputting by MIDI keyboard:

When inputting chord symbols using a MIDI keyboard, by default the popover advances automatically to the next beat after you play a chord