advertising second hand equipment in the forum

you keep bringing up gearsluts . this has nothing to do with gearsluts and if you don’t want to look then jog on. This is about offering useful recording items to the “closed” steinberg members forum before you have to resort to an untrustworthy "who the zoinc am i buying this from " open bidding auction and offering around the world the chance of owning gear that you may never see come on to the market to members that you talk to and interact with on “CUBASE"or “NUENDO” and not every mickey mouse kindergarten program which btw most of them use illegally anyway.Anyone can join"gs” but not here !

And massmitten or what ever ,if you want to be a gear snob well thats up to you but plenty of people would like the chance to own 1970’s synths and so on and for that you need to buy from a trusted source .if you want to buy everything new and wear white gloves then carry on its your choice ,we all have choices and could you refrain from insulting other peoples used items as “crap” !

Hello everybody,

I close this topic. A short statement regarding “sales” on our forums. We do not want to have it on our forums. There are better platforms for it then this forum. Solutions as Ebay are specialized for these kind of things for buyers and sellers and much more secure for both parties.

