All of a sudden no sound on Dorico 5

Ok so I have gone through all the older posts concerning no sound and my set up is completely fine. I haven’t had any issues with sound since the day I started my trial. All of a sudden today, I had sound then it just suddenly stopped. I checked everything, again stats are fine and I even restarted my computer, still no sound.

I have a deadline I’m trying to meet and will be very sad if I miss this deadline because it requires that I export a mp3 of my work and I will be even more sad if you tell me that I have to uninstall and reinstall and lose all my other files that I have saved. (And yes, I made sure to export pdf files for all works and parts, but I still like to have a file saved in Dorico just in case something needs to be fixed.)

Anything anyone can do to assist I’d greatly appreciate it. As I’m writing this I’m wondering if there’s a way to uninstall and reinstall just the sound portion? Or does the entire software have to be uninstalled. Also I’m running windows 11, and I regret it with every fiber of my being as I was on windows 10 for the longest time. Thank you in advance.

Welcome to the forum @pleasehelpme.

OK, so the problem exists with a single file?

Sometimes reapplying the playback template will solve this. (Play>Playback Template… apply and close)
If that does not work could you upload the file? Or just a few bars of it… and we’ll see what’s going on.

I really don’t think a high number of players would ever block the sound altogether.